Ice Bucket Challenge
What is the Ice Bucket Challenge?
It is impossible to scroll through your news feed on Facebook without coming across these "Ice Bucket Challenge" videos. So what's all the fuss? Well the ALS Association in America created this challenge to raise awareness about a disease called ALS, otherwise known as MND or Motor Neuron Disease in Australia. This is a disease that affects the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord causing you to be completely paralysed.
If you are nominated for the challenge, you must record a video of yourself pouring a bucket of iced water on your head, nominate 3 other people and donate $10 to the charity. You can also not accept the challenge and donate $100 instead. This has to be completed within 48 hours (or 24 hours as it says on other websites). You can also use the challenge to donate to other charities of your choice.
How did it start at MGHS?
A student from year 10 nominated Miss Aoun to complete the challenge. See below for her video response:
Ms Aoun
nominatesMr French
Mr ocampo
After Mr French was nominated, he announced over the school speakers that he would complete the challenge at our full school assembly, along with Mr Ocampo, if the school could raise $1000 in a day... and we raised $1014! On Friday 29 August they completed the challenge. Mr Ocampo's reaction and dance moves are priceless!
What's next?
See below for all others in our school who completed the challenge! If you completed the challenge, send your video link to the SRC at mghssrc@gmail.com and we'll upload them here on this page. Keep checking in for updates.
Mr French Mr ocampo
Ms Prasad
Ms Goldsworthy
Ms Bruen
Ms Torr
Rayanne Alameddine
Name: Rayanne Alameddine
Nominated by: Mr French
Names: Ms Bruen and Ms Prasad
Nominated by: Mr French and Mr Ocampo
Names: Ms Torr and Ms Goldworthy
Nominated by: Mr French and Mr Ocampo