What is evolve?
'Evolve' is a volunteering oportunity for ALL Macarthur Girls. It started off with a vision from Tanmayi Kundap, in year 11, to help Macarthur Girls to volunteer to their own choice of volunteering organisations or local charities.

'Evolve' plans to link you to these charities and organisations so you can start making a difference. All you need to do is sign up!
Signing up? Easy!
If you're a student, you will automatically get emails on your DET email address, but if you'd prefer to get them on another email, just email your name, roll call and email address to:
'evolvemghs@gmail.com' - and you're ready to go!
How do I sign up?
Wait a minute! Who can sign up for Evolve?
That's the best part about 'Evolve' - anyone can sign up! That's right! Everyone has the opportunity to volunteer and help.
What are the types of Volunteering opportunities?
Considering there are different brands and labels of clothing, there’s obviously a HUGE RANGE of organisations for different types of volunteering and community services too! These include:
Social and personal development activities are those that are for events for others
- E.g. Carols by the Candlelight or performing at a local event
Fundraising activities for charities are those with collecting funds for certain charities
- E.g. Cancer Council annual days or Fun runs (such as Colour Run)
Service components of community programs run in your local areas that may be for different categories- all depending on your personal interests and passions!
- E.g. Duke of Edinburgh Award, Australian Defence Force Cadets
Activities that benefit the environment or others would run in your local areas too- and there are HEAPS of them!
- E.g. Clean Up Australia Day
Participation in civics and citizenship activities and those which address social justice and equity issues is definitely one of community service and contribution!
- E.g. United Nations Youth Activities
Well, the question should actually be, why NOT get involved and do the above?! The list of perks to volunteering and community service is endless.
Some of the most rewarding are:
Gain new skills and knowledge- about communication, the ‘real’ world, people etc.
Boost their own job and career prospects- Universities and Scholarship applications REALLY appreciate these kinds of activities, so the more you can get involved in, the better!
Enjoy a sense of achievement and fulfilment-KNOW you’ve done something for others
Develop personally and boost self-esteem- Through volunteering and community service, you become so engaged with communicating with others that it really develops you as a person!
Connect to and better understand your community-YOU are the future of your community, you shape the future, so why not get involved in activities that help you better understand the state of the community?!
Meet people and make friends- Whether it be building on your own friendships or making new ones, volunteering and community work helps you engage with people of a same passion and vision as you. You could be meeting someone from school, or even becoming friends with adults- the possibilities are ENDLESS!