When: Week 7, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday lunchtimes
Where: Quad and cola area
Tuesday (29/08/17): Food and Cultural Stalls
- This includes: Henna, Wraps, Lamingtons, Falooda, Sushi and much more!
- Tokens will be sold at 5 for $5 through the finance window from Monday week 5 until Friday week 6.
Wednesday (30/08/17): Fashion Show
- Come and see students showcase their traditional clothes and learn about their cultures.
- If you wish to participate, sign-up sheets are outside the canteen and you will need to write down your name, roll call and the culture you wish to showcase.
Thursday (31/08/17): Concert
- The annual Multicultural Concert will consist of a range of performances from various backgrounds and cultures of both students and teachers.
- All students who wish to participate will be required to sign up on the sheets outside the canteen. Only those who have signed up will be legible for auditions
- Live auditions will be held during week 5 lunchtimes in the hall where you will need to perform 1-2 minutes of your total act.
- Year 7, 8, and 9 auditions: Monday Week 5
- Year 10, 11 and 12 auditions: Wednesday Week 5
- If you have missed out on your allocated day a backup audition will be held on the Thursday Week 5