World's Greatest Shave

What is WGS & how do they help?
WGS has helped raise
$158 million... so far!
Every 46 minutes, an Australian is diagnosed with Leukaemia. World's Greatest Shave raises about half the money the Leukaemia Foundation needs to fund its important work – providing support to people with blood cancer, as well as millions in research. Click on the button below for further information.

When MGHS did it:
On Friday the 13th of June,
Four brave students and one brave teacher shaved their hair at MGHS! The mystery teacher, Mr Berthold, also shaved his hair and lengthy beared! To help celebrate this event, all students were able to wear mufti with providing a gold coin donation. Many supportive students came at lunch to watch these five brave women lose their locks and helped the Girl's raise money by getting their hair sprayed, or simply just donated their loose change on the day and throughout the week
Who shaved their hair at MGHS?
Mina Deravi
from year 7

Harriet King
from year 7

Elena King
from year 9

Aye Soe
from year 11

Ms Grima
from the HSIE faculty

The mystery Teacher
Mr. Berthold
How much did MGHS raise?
THANK YOU to all the generous students and staff who supported Mena, Harriet, Elena, Aye and Ms Grima!
As a school we raised:
over $2000 for the Leukaemia Foundation
The donations that we have raised from these 4 brave girl's and brave teacher's doings, we have provided support for people who have leukaemia and their families, as well as help the leukaemia Foundation fund for research!