Valentines Day

A day to embrace all types of love and SISTER HOOD at MGHS

MGHS celebrated the love of friendship and SISTERHOOD on Friday 14th February.
When the word 'Valentines' pops into mind, we usually start thinking along the lines of presents, roses, chocolates for, and from a significant other. But who said Valentine's Day was just about romance? At MGHS, Valentines Day extended beyond couples! We embraced the love we share for one another as friends, and as sisters... our SISTERHOOD!
What did we do?
1. The positivitree was decorated and filled with an assortment of fun and maybe slightly cheesy messages that put smiles on everyone's faces and evoked joy & happiness
2. There was a travelling Photo Booth with frames and props, where students & teachers could take group shots with friends to embrace our Sisterhood
3. With the help of students & teachers, we created a human heart in the quad, symbolising our love and unification
4. We created a Message board or Mural from sticky-notes that students and staff wrote messages on to people, pets, food and ANYTHING else that they loved. The Message Board will be hung up at MGHS for all to see the love we have for one another as friends, and as sisters!

Please view the Gallery for more Valentine's Day Pictures