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Living in Australia, we often forget that the world is riddled with injustices 


Did you know...? over 1.2 billion people earn less than $1.25 a day, women only hold 19% of seats in parliament, a child with an uneducated mother is TWICE as likely to die as a child with an eductaed mother, maternal deaths during childbirth are extremely COMMON (36% due to haemorrhaging), 53% of the world's out-of-school children are girls, 31 MILLION primary school pupils worldwide are forced to drop out of school, 35 MILLION people are now living with HIV/AIDS (3.2 MILLION under the age of 15)


The SRC invites you to help take a stand and reach the Millennium Goals by the end of 2015! HELP US eradicate poverty, achieve universal primary education, promote gender equality & womens enpowerment, reduce child mortality, improve maternal health, combat HIV/AIDS, ensure environmental sustainability & unite globally by participating in a range of activities that aim to target an MG from Monday 15th June - Friday 19th June...  


Anchor 1


Are you hungry to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger? On Monday 15th of June help the SRC eradicate extreme poverty by purchasing 2 delicious pancakes for $1 + $0.50 for maple syrup (approximately the poverty line) in the quad at lunch. ALL PROCEEDS will be donated to Virlanie, a charity situated in the Philippines that helps aid homeless youth that have fallen victim to street crime, such as: prostitution. 



Anchor 2

#goal wall

Dare to Dream Big

On Tuesday 16th of June, come to the quad at luch and write your future aspirations and goals that you hope to achieve...



How will YOU stop WORLD HUNGER? 

What do you want to ACHIEVE in life?


How will YOU make a DIFFERENCE? 



Anchor 3

1. Mufti Day 

2. Sustainability Art Challenge 

Who Inspires You? 


On Wednesday the 16th of June, dress up as someone who inspires YOU for a gold coin donation! From icons to the reflection you see in the mirror, your options are endless... However, please note that the mufti-day dress code applies. ALL PROCEEDS raised will be donated to Mahboba's Promise. 



What can you create?


During Lunch, there will be a competition for students to create pieces of Art from recycable materials! The best artwork will win an awesome prize, so be sure to think outside the box...

Anchor 4

The Race to Meet the MG's 

Did Someone Say Teamwork? 


On Thursday the 18th of June, the SPC & SRC invite YOU to participate in our amazing race style obstacle to learn about social and global issues... 


The games will be team based (teams of six) and will incorporate a-minute-to-win-it style obstacle course that revolve around the millennium goals and contemporary global issues. Enter your team now outside the ESL staffroom! 

Anchor 5

Teacher's Talent Quest 

The Hall + Faculties + Students = Fun :) 


On Friday the 19th June, bring a gold coin donation to watch teachers perform poetry to instrumental ensembles at lunch in the Hall... First in, best dressed! 

"Thank You for visiting the MGHS SRC's page! We will be updating the site frequently, so we hope to see you again :))"


- Miss Macarthur

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