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"Australia's culture is as broad and diverse as Australia's landscape. From food all the way to lifestyle, Australia is a multicultural and a multiracial nation.This is reflective of our school, and one of our PRIDE values - Diversity. Multicultural Week wasn't only about embracing your own culture, but also about becoming more culturally aware and accepting of other cultures. The SRC and the SPC carried out a range of multicultural activities, which encouraged student participation and accentuated the school’s diverse and harmonious culture." 


 4th AUGUST - 15th AUGUST



This is me initiative

This Is Me Initiative 


Celebrating diversity extends beyond enthinicity and personal backgrounds. Your nationality doesn't define you - your values and beliefs do.

4th and 8th of AUGUST



 This year, the "This Is Me" initiative celebrated the diverse values, beliefs and loves of the students of Macarthur Girls High School.


Thank you to all the teachers and students who got involved! See the photos below to view what matters to students and staff at Macarthur Girls 


Monday 11th of AUGUST


In week 4, students submitted their personal positive opinions of various cultures on pieces of decorative paper through stalls run by the SRC. The positive cultural opinions were the hung on the positivitree for all students to view, allowing students to learn about different cultures

Anchor 2

Multicultural Positivitree 


To view all Multicultural Images please view the gallery 

 Small laminated flags of various nations were also hung on the following days and students were able to guess the country of the flag. 

To view all Multicultural Images please view the gallery 

Anchor 3

Roll Call Cutrural Quiz


12th and 13th of AUGUST



A quiz of 20 questions based on world and cultural knowledge, was completed in Roll Call. Everyone was encouraged to share ideas and knowledge of various cultures to try and answer the questions.


Well done to all Roll Calls for participating in the quiz, and congratulations to the winning Roll Call 9R6, Ms Smyth’s Roll Call 

Anchor 4

Around the World Race



Wednesday 13th AUGUST


The SRC & SPC invited students to participate in teams made up of different ethnicities, to complete activities similar to those of 'the Amazing Race.' In order to complete this circuit the teams undertook athleticism, and cultural based activities.


Well done to all the teams who participated! Sadly the teacher team were disqualified due to a team member not cutting their paper hand out correctly. Congratulations to the winning team, Group 10!



Thursday 14th AUGUST



The SRC organised numerous food stalls, which presented the cuisines of a variety of different cultures and ethnicities’ represented by students within the school. These stalls were held during lunch and were situated within the quadrangle.


Thank you to all the students who purchased tokens to purchase these foods! As a school we raised $2500 for Oz Harvest, helping the less fortunate 

Anchor 5

Food & Cultural Stall

What types of food?

What types of food?

Vietnamese Rice paper Rolls



Sweets, Bhel and other savoury

Asian snacks

Asian snacks



Soup, meat pies, sausage rolls and lamingtons



Crepe, drinks






decorative cupcakes & brownies



Tabouli, kibeh, Lebanese bread, Lebanese spring rolls, manoush



sold extraordinary beverages



Steamed rice cakes with cheese, coconut macaroons






Noodles, dumplings, sushi, sweets, spring rolls



Students were encouraged to experience not only the taste of diverse food stalls but also world cultures and traditions, in the forms of stalls. Stalls, such as Henna, Origami-making, Chinese/ Japanese Calligraphy and more, were set up by students, to provide unique cultural experiences for other students to enjoy for free!

To view all Multicultural Images please view the gallery 

Thank you to all the staff and students who bought food tokens and induldged in cultural food,  as a school we raised over $2500!


All profits made from this event went to a charity called Oz Harvest, who help feed the homeless! By indulging in delicious cultural food, students not only experienced the taste of diversity but also helped the less fortunate!


Thank you to Oz Harvest for showing MGHS some love early this October! This is from their Facebook page:


Friday 15th AUGUST


As the final activity of Multicultural Week, the SRC planned a whole-school concert of dance, music, and drama from various countries. It was also a day where all students were able to wear cultural attire. 


Talented students and staff took the floor and showed the school their innovating cultural performances. At the end, everyone was able to perform the famous Australian line dance ‘The Nutbush.’


Thank you to all the students and teachers who took part in these performances, they were excellent!

Anchor 6

Finale Concert 


To view all Multicultural Images please view the gallery 

"Thank You for visiting the MGHS SRC's page! We will be updating the site frequently, so we hope to see you again :))"


- Miss Macarthur

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