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Easter. The time for eating chocolate eggs and hot cross buns. The time where the Easter bunny makes his colourful eggs and we scavenge for them. At Macarthur Girls High School, Easter was a time for the SRC to thank the students for all their contribution this term. We thanked them in the traditional Easter way. By giving them loads of chocolate! This idea was originally created by a girl in Year 10. She suggested that we celebrate Easter with chocolate eggs and we were delighted to participate in the celebration of the festive season!

Now, receiving chocolate on Easter is of course very exciting but there is one question that most people ask themselves when this festive season is near. Why do we give chocolate eggs and hot cross buns on Easter? Well, luckily for you the SRC have done their research and this is the answer:

Easter is the Christian celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and his promise of eternal life. The cross on the hot cross buns represent the cross that Jesus died on. The egg has long been a symbol of fertility, rebirth and ‘the beginning’. Chocolate Easter eggs were first made in Europe in the early 19th century. Nowadays, Easter eggs have become extremely popular.

Voila! We hope you know now something new!

Have a great holidays girls and keep a look out for those chocolate eggs!

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- Miss Macarthur

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